Disposal of
waste electronic equipment

Manufacturers, distributors and importers of electrical and electronic equipment are subject to various requirements under Germany’s Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG). Among other things, the act is designed to keep the reusable materials contained in the devices in a closed loop.

Why we are the right waste
management service partner for you

Our Full-Service Germany package focuses on the requirements of the European WEEE Directive and is designed to relieve you of all your obligations under the German Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG). With this service, you benefit from expert advice, the highest level of transparency, comprehensive cost control and budgeting capabilities, so that your expenditure is both predictable and traceable. All costs resulting from the German WEEE Register Foundation’s (stiftung ear) collection coordination system are, of course, included. Thanks to our many years of experience and strong network in the recovery and recycling industry, we are able to find bespoke, efficient solutions for any manufacturer, distributor or importer. We would be delighted to advise you one-to-one and develop a concept that allows you to meet your legal requirements under the German Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG) with confidence.

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Legally compliant
waste disposal

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Professional disposal of
electronic equipment

Manufacturers, distributors and importers of electrical and electronic equipment are required to register with the stiftung ear foundation, report their volumes of electrical equipment and properly dispose of waste electrical equipment. We are happy to assist you in fulfilling your legal obligations.

Full Service

To make it easier for you to register your electrical and electronic equipment, we offer you a complete service package. With our WEEE Full Service, we take care of everything from registration to the provision of an insolvency-proof guarantee, so that you receive your WEEE registration number promptly. In addition, as a WEEE representative for companies based abroad, we can assume all rights and obligations towards stiftung ear.

German Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act

The Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG for short) has been in force in Germany since 2005. It implements the European WEEE directive to regulate the placing on the market, take-back and disposal of electrical and electronic equipment in Germany. Each country in the EU has its own WEEE legislation, so the ElektroG only applies in Germany. The ElektroG3 version has been in force since 1 January 2022, as this law has already been amended twice since it took effect. This version has expanded the obligation for manufacturers and distributors to register with stiftung ear.

What is
stiftung ear?

The stiftung ear foundation was set up to monitor compliance with the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act. Its purpose is to implement the European directive on reducing electrical and electronic waste from relevant devices that are no longer used (WEEE directive). The foundation runs a public register of initial distributors and importers of electrical and electronic equipment. Only those who are included in the register are permitted to sell electrical and electronic equipment in Germany.

To what equipment does
the ElektroG apply?

The Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act applies to all devices that are operated with an AC voltage of maximum 1,000 volts or a DC voltage of maximum 1,500 volts. The device also needs to be dependent on electrical currents or electromagnetic fields or serve the purpose of generating, transmitting and measuring electrical currents and electromagnetic fields. As a result, the ElektroG not only applies to ‘classic’ electrical and electronic devices but also products such as furniture, clothing or lifestyle products that include electrical or electronic components.

To whom do the legal obligations
in the ElektroG apply?

Companies that are subject to the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act are those that manufacture and sell devices under their brand names, resell devices from other suppliers under their brand names and use means of distance communication to sell devices directly to users in private households in a different EU member state. In addition, companies carrying out the initial commercial import of electrical and electronic devices to Germany or exporting them to other EU member countries are required to comply with the requirements set out in the ElektroG. We work closely with our partner WEEE Europe in this area. The ElektroG permits manufacturers to employ third parties like Zentek in order to fulfil the relevant legal requirements.

What do I need to do according to the elektroG?

What do I need to do
according to the ElektroG?

We help you dispose of your electrical and electronic equipment in a legally compliant manner.

Manufacturers, distributors and importers and, in the case of direct sales, foreign suppliers of electrical and electronic equipment must first register all their brands and types of equipment with stiftung ear. Only then are they permitted to offer them for sale or launch them on the market in Germany. Companies that do not have a subsidiary in Germany are required to appoint an authorised domestic representative. We are recognised as an authorised representative by stiftung ear and are authorised to carry out all tasks on behalf of foreign manufacturers.

Our Team of Experts would be happy to assist you with specific questions or provide a quote. 

Team of Experts
Full Service

+49 2203 8987-747

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EPR Compliance

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EPR Compliance

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Sie bringen in Deutschland als Hersteller oder Vertreiber mit Ware befüllte Verkaufs- und Umverpackungen in Verkehr, die nach Gebrauch im Haushalt oder ähnlichen Stellen anfallen? Dann gilt es, sich einem dualen System anzuschließen. Diese Verpflichtung (und deren Ausnahmen) regelt das Verpackungsgesetz.



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+49 2203 8987-747